Blueberry Clafoutis

We make versions of this clafoutis as a quick pudding so often, I have this recipe down by heart now. A clafoutis is a classic French dessert, traditionally made with cherries. This is my vegan version which the whole family adores. It uses up the aquafaba from a tin of chickpeas, such a useful, free ingredient. Next time you make a chickpea curry or a batch of hummus, save the aquafaba and make this quick pud. You won’t be disappointed!

We try to always have organic blueberries on our list as we strongly believe including anthocyanin-rich purple foods in your diet regularly is important. We have some great ones in from Spain at the moment which come in clever compostable packaging! Eat them fresh or pop them in the freezer to use daily in your smoothies, porridge or desserts.

Liz x


  • aquafaba from one can of chickpeas (around 150ml)
  • 1/2 mug sugar (around 100g)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 mug of flour (around 200g)
  • 3 tbsp oat milk
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 mugs of blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • a tsp of icing sugar to dust
  • plain yoghurt sweetened with maple syrup to serve


  1. Turn your oven to 175C and find a flan dish, bowl, whisk and small mug for easy measuring.
  2. Pour the liquid from a can of chickpeas into the mixing bowl. It should be around 150ml but there’s no need to be too exact with this recipe. Whisk it until it froths. Then add 1/2 a mug of sugar and whisk again until you have a glossy, creamy mixture.
  3. Add the baking powder and salt and whisk for a minute to evenly distribute it before adding a mug of flour. Stir the flour in so you have a crumbly texture.
  4. Now add the milk and oil and stir until just combined into a smooth, thick batter. You can add a splash more oat milk if your batter is too dry. Careful not to over-mix to ensure a soft, tender crumb.
  5. Tumble the blueberries into the bottom of your flan dish and spread them out evenly. Then dot the batter on top and smooth it over. You may find it doesn’t reach the sides and looks a bit thin – don’t panic, it will grow and spread quite a lot in the oven.
  6. Bake until risen and golden – around 30 minutes but start checking after 20 in case you have a very efficient oven.
  7. Serve warm in scoops or messy slices with a dusting of icing sugar and a big dollop of yoghurt sweetened with maple syrup. Any leftovers are also delicious cold with a mug of tea or coffee. Enjoy!

2 Replies to “Blueberry Clafoutis”

  1. Hi Liz
    Looks delicious!
    Some chickpeas are in salted water. Can one use that in recipe?

  2. Hi, yes that absolutely still works, just leave out the pinch of salt in the recipe 🙂

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