Organic Beetroot ‘Overnight’ Focaccia – Vegan

This is a fabulous way to celebrate bread and Irish organic beets! I made this a few times last summer to share with visitors to the Green Earth Organics farm walks and it was a huge hit.

The focaccia is a super simple no knead recipe – the dough develops and slowly proves in the fridge overnight. The next day, smear it in beetroot puree and bake. It looks amazing and has heaps of sweet and savoury flavour.

Make sure you save the recipe and serve it alongside our gorgeous green lettuce this summer.

Lou x


Tips for getting this right:
✨This bread needs time in the fridge to prove.
✨Use strong/bread flour.
✨Make sure the dried yeast is in date.
✨Use a neutral olive oil, or rapeseed oil not extra virgin
✨Try not to knock too much air out of the dough when you add the beetroot puree and make the dimples.


Makes one focaccia
-500g strong flour/bread flour
-2 teaspoon salt
-1 (7g) sachet dried yeast
-430ml lukewarm water – made up by mixing 130ml boiling water with 300ml cold water (it should be body temperature, 36ºC)
butter for greasing
-4 tablespoons olive oil

For the beetroot puree:

  • 3 cooked beetroots approx 200g
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • pinch salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


*Steam or boil and peel the beetroots. Cool and keep in the fridge ready to make this bread.

Step 1: Pour the dried yeast into the lukewarm water and let it sit for 15 minutes then stir.
Measure the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl and stir to combine. Pour in the yeast and water and mix with a wooden spoon to form a sticky ball. Oil a second mixing bowl and transfer the dough into it. Using your hand lightly oil the top of the dough – the oil is important to stop it drying out. Cover the bowl to make it airtight with a lid, cling film or a damp tea towel and put the bowl in the FRIDGE for at least 12 hours (ideally overnight).

Step 2: Prepare the baking tin 9inc x 13inc. Line with parchment paper or grease really well with butter, this is really important to stop the focaccia from sticking to the tin. I recommend using parchment paper.
Now oil the baking tin with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
Oil your hands and scoop the dough out of the bowl and put the dough straight onto the baking tray. Rub the oil over the dough and smooth and push it into the corners of the baking tray. Cover the tray with a clean plastic bag, or cling film and let the dough rest for 3 to 4 hours to warm up and double in size

Step 3: Make the beetroot puree, add the beetroot, chopped garlic, salt and oil in a small powerful blender. Blend until smooth.

Step 4: Preheat the oven 220ºc. Pour the beetroot puree over the dough and rub lightly with your hands, using your fingers press straight down to create deep dimples.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, until cooked through and the bottom is golden brown.
Transfer to a cooling rack. Brush with some olive oil. Cool for 10 minutes before cutting and serving.

Storage: This will keep in an airtight box for 3 days or in the freezer for 3 months.

Homemade Chapati w/ Cauliflower Hummus- VEGAN

A good friend of mine showed me how to make chapati a long time ago. I was so amazed at how few ingredients were needed and how quick and tasty they were. Chapati are traditionally served with lentils or a curry but I wanted something light for lunch.

I really fancied hummus but realised I had no chickpeas but still determined to have hummus I made do with my cauliflower, roast garlic, tahini and spices and it was delicious.

Its amazing what you can make with so few ingredients and a bit of imagination.

Please let us know if you try them.

Lou x


  • For the chapati
  • 140g wholemeal flour
  • 140g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil, plus extra for greasing
  • 180ml hot water or as needed

For the cauliflower hummus:

  • 1/2 head cauliflower
  • 1 bulb garlic, top sliced off
  • 1 tablespoon tahini light
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1-2 tablespoon olive oil


  • Step 1: Make the chapati dough. Mix all the ingredients together and knead for 5 minutes. Diving into 8 balls and leave on the counter top under a clean tea towel to rest.
  • Step 2: Start the cauliflower hummus. Wrap the garlic with a tablespoon of oil in a tinfoil parcel and roast in the oven or air fryer @180ºC for 20-30 minutes until completely roasted and soft. Steam the cauliflower florets or boil them in water until soft.
  • Step 3: Flour the work top and dust a rolling pin, roll out the dough balls into flat circles, they should be thin like a tortilla. Keep the dough covered all the time with a clean tea towel. Warm a frying pan on a medium heat, make sure the pan is hot. Add the first chapati and cook until you see bubbles, then flip and cook the other side, repeat. They will have brown spots but try not burn them too much.
  • Step 4: To a blender add the cooked cauliflower, squeeze the roasted garlic, add the tahini, turmeric, cumin, salt and olive oil, blend until smooth.
  • Serve the chapatis with the cauliflower hummus, chopped herbs, raw red onion or cabbage.