Air Fryer Courgettes w/ Garlicky Cashew Cream -Vegan

In the summer months the tunnels are brimming with courgettes. They grow so well and are delicious in so many recipes, and we’ve shared lots. These courgettes can be air fried or oven baked. I like to keep the temperature low so they cook slowly, soften in the middle and turn golden on top.

This easy garlicky cashew cream is full of flavour and deliciously morish topped with nutty breadcrumbs you’ll be coming back for more.

Let us know if you’d like to try it,

Lou x

Ingredients: serves 1 as a starter or 2 as a side

  • 1 or 2 courgettes (use 2 if you can fit them in your air fryer basket)
  • 1 bulb garlic
  • oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • For the cashew cream
  • 1 cup of cashews soaked in boiling water for 1 hour
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • small pinch of salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • The roasted bulb of garlic – prepared in step 2
  • Around 60-80ml of water for blending consistency

Nutty breadcrumbs

  • 1 slice of bread
  • 1 handful of whole almonds
    To serve:
  • Fresh basil leaves
    Lemon zest

Step 1: Preheat the air fryer or oven to 160ºC fan.

Step 2: Prepare the garlic bulb, cut the top off the bulb exposting the cloves, place on a square of tin foil and drizzle with oil. Close up the tin foil to make a parcel.

Step 3: Slice the courgettes in half lengthways then lightly score the white flesh in a criss cross shape, sprinkle with salt and place upside down on kitchen paper to let some of the moisture drain out. After 10 minutes, cut in half to fit in the basket, drizzle in olive oil and place in a preheated air fryer or oven add the garlic bulb parcel to the basket too. Slow cook for about 20 – 25 minutes, checking half way through.

Step 4: To make the garlicky cashew cream. Discard the water off the cashews, then blend with all the other ingredients as well as the roasted garlic, just squeeze out the soft cloves. Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed.

Step 5: To make the nutty breadcrumbs, whizzed up the bread and almonds in a blender. Pour onto a frying pan drizzle in olive oil, salt and pepper then toast until crispy. Let it rest on a plate lined with kitchen roll until ready to use.

Step 6: To serve, spread the cashew cream on a plate top with the golden courgettes, sprinkle with the nutty breadcrumbs, lemon zest and fresh basil.


Courgette Tart – Scarpaccia

We are always looking for ways to use our gorgeous homegrown glossy green courgettes. This is our take on an Italian dish called Scarpaccia which loosely means ‘bad shoe’ because its as thin as a bad shoe apparently! It does make a very thin courgette tart for sure. The courgettes are very thinly sliced and the juice is extracted with salt but not wasted as it goes into the batter. We love the zero waste here.

Most of the recipes I came across used cornmeal but I used dried panko breadcrumbs in their place and it worked out just fine.

This is a gorgeous recipe to try, let us know if you do.

Lou 🙂

Ingredients: makes 6 slices

  • 3 courgette(800g)- very finely sliced
  • 1 red onion – very finely sliced 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • ¼ cup dried panko breadcrumbs or cornmeal – this ingredient is important to give a crisp texture not mushy.
  • 2 tablespoon nutritional yeast
  • Pinch black pepper 


Step 1: Use a mandoline if you have one to finely slice the courgettes and red onion, 2-3mm thick. Then add the slices to a large mixing bowl. Sprinkle in the salt and toss through with your hands to coat in the salt, 2-3 minutes. Put a plate on top and a weight like a couple of tins to help extract all the liquid. Leave this for 2 hours. 

Step 2: Preheat the oven 180ºC and oil a baking tray really well, 9 x 13 inch is what I used.  After this time, use a cheesecloth or clean kitchen towel. Add the vegetables and squeeze out the extra liquid. The courgette juice will be used for the batter. To the juice add in the flour, dried panko breadcrumbs, fresh thyme leaves, nutritional yeast and black pepper, whisk well it should look like pancake batter. Then add the vegetables back in and stir to coat.  **If the batter seems very thick add a small dash of water.

Step 3: Pour the mix into the baking tray and use a spoon to smooth out evenly. 

Step 4: Bake for 30-40 minutes until cooked through and golden on top.

Slice and enjoy with a fresh seasonal salad.

Courgette & Cheddar Fritters w/ tzatziki

Courgettes are part of the squash family that originate in North America. But did you know these tasty dark green beauties were only grown and developed in the second part of the 1900’s in Italy! And now they have adapted to Irish soil and grown happily in our fields.

Home grown courgettes taste delicious with cheddar cheese. These fritters take just minutes to prepare and minutes to cook. We made garlicky tzatziki sauce to serve with them. Eat them warm from the pan.

Drop a couple of Irish courgettes and cucumbers in your basket for this one.

Lou 🙂

Ingredients: mades 8

For the fritters:

  • 1 small Irish courgette 250g approx
  • 1-2 tablespoons self raising flour, add more if the mix is very wet
  • 50g grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 egg
  • salt and pepper

For the tzatziki:

  • 1 cup plain yoghurt
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 3 inch piece of cucumber
  • zest 1/4 lemon
  • salt and pepper


Step 1: Coarsely grate the courgette and put it in a bowl. Add in the grated cheese, flour, salt and pepper. Give it a mix, whisk the egg and add that too.

Step 2: To make the tzatziki. Coarsely grate the cucumber put it in a sieve and squeeze out the extra liquid. Use this cucumber liquid for smoothies and juices. Add the grated cucumber to the yoghurt along with the finely grated garlic, lemon zest, salt and pepper, mix.

Step 3: Warm a non stick frying pan, medium heat, on the hob. Drizzle some oil to coat. Add a tablespoon of the courgette mix, fit 3-4 on the pan. Cook for a few minutes, flip and cook for another few minutes until golden brown. Lift them off onto kitchen paper, repeat with the next batch.

Serve warm with the tzatziki. Enjoy.

Courgette “Croque Monsieur”

Courgettes are such a versatile vegetable. They work in their raw state or taste delicious in sweet cakes and muffins or savoury when roasted or baked.  Char grilled courgettes are sublime! It brings out the natural sweetness and adds that charred bitterness that works so great here. 

Charred veg of any sort is delicious in a sandwich. There is no ham needed in this grilled cheese interpretation of the French classic Croque Monsieur – meaning Bite Mister or maybe its Mister Bite!

This glorious sandwich is worth all the effort. 

Charred Courgette, spicy mustard, crunchy bread, creamy bechamel, grilled cheese = The ultimate indulgence at lunch time.

Enjoy this one, 

Lou 🙂

Makes 2 large sandwiches

For the grilled courgette:

For the bechamel sauce: 

For the mustard mayo

For the sandwich:

For the grilled courgette: 

  1. Get a griddle pan on the hob nice and hot- you can use a frying pan instead if you wish. 
  2. Wash and dry the courgette then slice it long ways keeping the slices about 5mm thick. 
  3. Spray or drizzle oil on the courgettes and when the griddle pan is smoking hot add the courgettes to get those nice charred bar marks. 
  4. Don’t move the courgettes for a couple of minutes. Then using a thongs lift and turn to do the other side.
  5. Add to a plate to cool, repeat with the rest of the courgette slices. 

To make the bechamel: 

  1. Add the milk, chopped onion, garlic, bay leaf, cloves and grated nutmeg to a pot and slowly bring the milk to the boil. Take off the heat immediately and leave to infuse for 10-20 minutes. 
  2. In another pot add the butter and flour and cook until it turns a golden brown colour, use a wooden spoon to stir it.
  3. Strain the milk and whisk in gradually until you have a thickened sauce, check the seasoning and adjust if it needs something. Whisk and cook on a low heat for a further few minutes. 
  4. Add the sauce to a bowl and set to one side. 

To make the mustard mayo. Simply mix the mayonnaise and mustard together in a small bowl.

To make the sandwich. 

  1. Heat the grill area of the oven.
  2. To make one sandwich: Take 2 slices of sourdough and brush one side of each with melted butter.  (If making for 2 people brush all 4 slices with butter now)
  3. Grill the buttered sides until toasted. 
  4. In the meantime chop the grilled courgettes into thick pieces. 
  5. Take the sourdough from the grill and turn over the slices. 
  6. On one piece add a layer of mustard mayo, top with a spoon of bechamel sauce, then add a layer of grilled courgettes, top that with a handful of grated cheese. Put the second slice of sourdough on top. Add another layer of bechamel sauce and top that with grated cheddar cheese. 
  7. Return the generous sandwich to the grill – let it bubble and char and toast. Keep a watchful eye on it!

Take from the grill and cut in half with a bread knife! 

Tuck in. 🙂