5 “Back to School” Lunchbox Snacks

The summer months seem to fly by in a flash! The kids will be back to school really soon and that means the return of the lunch boxes too! We will be making lots of yummy homemade snacks to help fill them. We love using wholesome organic ingredients to keep little tummies fuller for longer and help add some much needed nutrition for their growing bodies and minds.

Theres a few reasons why love to make homemade snacks for the lunchbox. They are cheaper to make than buying pre-made shop bought snacks. We know exactly whats gone into them, we can make them mostly organic and they are not individually wrapped in plastic. We can get our kids to help make them and thats pretty special too!

Here’s 5 recipes for you to save and try. They include healthy oats, dates, seeds, fruit and veggies, our online shop stocks most of the ingredients you need. We hope you give them a go, please let us know if you do, we love to hear from you.

Lou 🙂

Just click on the link below to bring you to each recipe:

  1. Blueberry Crumble Bars
  2. Energy Balls – Nut Free
  3. Carrot Cake Bliss Balls – swap the walnuts or pumpkin or sunflower seeds to make them nut free
  4. Sugar Free Flapjacks
  5. Carrot & Courgette Muffins

Chocolate Nut Slice- No Bake

Summer snacking has become a new event in our house. But rather than picking up the individual plastic wrapped treats from the shops we are making the effort to make our own. The results are very tasty!

We did a bit of a cupboard raid for these and added some peanut butter and pecans. You can add any chopped nuts you fancy to the chocolate topping. Raisins would work here too!

Save this recipe to try. And please let us know if you do, we love to hear from you. As usual, find all the organic ingredients you need in the shop- most are in plastic free packaging.

Lou 🙂

Ingredients: makes 8 big slices

  • 2 cup oats
  • ½ cup peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 4 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
  • 2-4 tablespoons water (depending on how dry the mix is)
  • 150g dark chocolate
  • 1 heaped tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons pecans, chopped (or what every nuts you fancy)


Step 1: Line a small tray or lunch box with parchment paper 15cm x 20cm approx.

Step 2: Add the oats, cocoa powder, peanut butter and honey to a blender. Blend until combined. Check the consistency of the mix, if its dry add a small spoon of water and blend again. And add more water if it’s still dry. Then mix should stick together when it’s ready, test a piece with your fingers.

Step 3: Tip the mix onto the tray and smooth it into the corners using a second piece of parchment paper.

Step 4: Melt the chocolate and coconut oil in the microwave or in a heat proof bowl over a pot of simmering water. When melted add in the chopped pecans. Pour this over the base. Then put it in the fridge to set completely, at least 1 hour.

Slice into bars. Enjoy